My love for sports has always been self-evident. My first word was "ball;" and as soon as I could walk I always had a ball in my hand. Every social event was an opportunity for a pickup game. And if said social event overlapped with a big game on, chances are I was gonna be anti-social.
As soon as I learned to write in my home-school co-op, the idea of writing about sports for a living became my dream. I idealized sitting in my sweatpants in a press box at the late HHH Metrodome covering the Twins and Vikings. I obviously assumed that sports writers wore hoodies and sweats to do their jobs. Just 8-year-old me trying to speak my dream into a comfy existence.
After years of assuming it wasn't realistic to pursue said dream in favor of more stable occupations to support my wife and babies, I finally decided to live a little. My wife Maria is the real reason my dream is now becoming a reality: her unwavering excitement for and support of me gave me the final nudge to put pen to paper.
When I was a tyke playing tee ball, my coach thought it was funny to call me "Will Bad Lose" since my last name is Goodwin. I wasn't always a good sport about losing either; it took me many years to learn how to take an L with class. If you can tell in the photo (I'm the short guy), I just got done shedding tears after taking 2nd place.
Still not so sure I've mastered losing. After all, winning is easier.